Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My wife Sybil's octogenarian's lament

We now have two octogenarians in my family. My wife Sybil has just turned 80. A group of her friends are celebrating the event this week with a birthday party in her honor.
She has composed this poem to read to them...


I look in the mirror and see a strange face.
Oh, surely this image is in the wrong place.

There should be a picture, alive and aglow,
A young pretty girl with no signs of woe.

But alas I see a woman, who's old and worn,
With wrinkles and lines from the cares she has borne.

It's hard to accept
That never again
Will I get the glances of much younger men.

I really feel like I'm out of the loop.
The computer keyboard to me
Looks like alphabet soup.
The mouse is erratic and just won't behave
And I never remember the key
For work that you save.

I don't have a Blackberry, or play an Nintendo game
And all the hip-hop music
To me sounds the same.

I'm even beginning to feel quite bitter
That I have no idea
What it means to TWITTER!

And so like the poet
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high
O'er vale and hill when
All at once I saw a crowd
Not of golden daffodils
But of my wonderful friends.

I really should tell ol' Wordsworth
That a friend brings more joy
Than a daffodil.

Your love and compassion
Have helped me through the years
As you have patiently listened
To my woes and my fears.

So thank you and bless you
For helping me celebrate my special day.
Your devotion means more to me
Than I can say.
I love you all.


  1. Happy Birthday, Sybil. Welcome to the group of Octogenarians.

    Your poem is clever, funny, and true. I can certainly identify with you on seeing that stranger in the mirror.

  2. Hi There Mortart, I have been enjoying the blog for a while. This poem was especially delightful, and reminds me of my Grandma's poetry style/humor. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Happy Birthday Sybil!

    I loved your poem. I'm still grinning.


  4. Mort, this is so delightful! Please wish Cybil a very Happy Birthday for me. Hope you are both doing well!

  5. Tell Sybil that her poem is youthful and fun. People half her age would love to be able to write a poem like this one. As B. Burke said “Age is something that doesn't matter, unless you are a cheese.” I think that so long as you can create a humorous poem and so long as you have vibrant feelings, then so long you are still young.

  6. Happy birthday Sybil
    If you lived where I live, deep in the English countryside, in a wonderful place populated by the liveliest, wisest, busiest, jolliest bunch of octogenarians (and over) - some of whom are even computer literate! - you would have no reason to bemoan your age.
    Age is all in the mind and numbers are arbitrary and meaningless.
    My other half is an octogenarian. That's what he says.

  7. Sybil
    Great poem and a fun one too. Please grace us with some additional poems whenever Mort will give you "equal time"



    My husband,Sam,joined the Octogenerians this past March. And God willing,I will join him in December.

  8. A belated but sincere Happy Birthday from me, wishing you many happy returns.

    Yesterday at the grocery one lady said to another "Excuse me, but that's my basket. These must be your's, too, because I didn't put them there."
    The other lady looked mystified, and after a moment or two she said, "I see... but what did I do with my other..."
    And about that time she looked down and realized she was carrying one of those handy little hand-baskets on her left arm.
    Poor thing was embarrassed, roled her eyes, shook her head and said "What's happening to me? That's terrible."
    I reassured her and said, "That's okay. It gets worse. Happens to everybody sooner or later."

    I know it never happened to you, but if it does, just go on like nothing ever happened.

  9. A wonderful poem. I'm not there yet, but feel the same way when I look in the mirror--or when I look at my husband. Happy birthday, Sybil.

  10. Happy Belated Birthday, Sybil. I'm sure your friends thought the world of your poem. I enjoyed reading it out loud here in the home office with the cats listening. :)

  11. Happy birthday Sybil! Your Octogenarian's lament gave me a good laugh!

  12. A very belated Happy Birthday wish to your wife, Sybil. Enjoyed her poem.

  13. Happy Belated Birthday Sybil!
    I really love your blog. Your poem made me smile.
    I'm an advocate for Keeping Seniors Home. My name is Sybil too and spelled the same as yours.
    I don't meet a lot of Sybil's.
    Sybil Hickie

  14. Thanks for permission to post your poem at my class reunion blog mmhs1957.blogspot.com
